What is Trapped in the Past?

Trapped In the Past is a three-part docu-series that will expose you to the harsh realities of the commercial trapping industry. By series end, you will be informed and empowered to get involved and create meaningful change for Canada’s wild fur-bearing animals (wolves, lynx, foxes and more!).


The Trapped in the Past series delves deeply into topics such as the history of the commercial trapping industry and its cultural relevance, the sustainability and economics of trapping, the environmental consequences of trapping, and much, much more. It's all part of the in-depth coverage you’ll find in the Trapped In The Past documentary series and our website campaign.

Write a Quick Letter

To Ban Snares and Reform Trapping Regulations

Learn More

Take the next step to further educate yourself about trapping by exploring the following resources put together by the Exposed Wildlife Conservancy and The Fur-Bearers.

The commercial trapping industry in North America is complex and shrouded in secrecy and confusion, which may leave you asking questions. The resources below will guide you through these complexities and fuel you with the resources and information you need to spread awareness and take action. With your help, we will open the eyes of the world to the archaic and cruel world of commercial trapping and create meaningful change for fur-bearing animals across the globe.

Donate and Raise Awareness
Please help raise awareness and support the Trapped In the Past campaign to ban killing neck snares and reform the commercial trapping industry. All donations will receive a charitable tax receipt through the Exposed Wildlife Conservancy.
Donate Now